renaissance timeline worksheet

Works produced during this period include Jan van Eyck's "Adoration of the Lamb" (1432), Leon Battista Alberti's essay on perspective called "On Painting" (1435), and his essay "On the Family" in 1444, which provided a model for what Renaissance marriages should be. In 1556, Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia wrote "A General Treatise on Numbers and Measurement" and Georgius Agricola wrote "De Re Metallica," a catalog of ore mining and smelting processes. in 1543, the astronomer Copernicus wrote "Revolutions of the Celestial Orbits," and the anatomist Andreas Vesalius wrote "On the Fabric of the Human Body." Ironically, by killing a large percentage of the population, the plague improved the economy, allowing wealthy people to invest in art and display, and engage in secular scholarly study. Map out the various civilizations on the timeline below by shading in one row for . Robert Wilde is a historian who writes about European history. Leon Battista Alberti published "On the Art of Building" (1443 to 1452), Thomas Malory wrote (or compiled) "le Morte d'Arthur" in 1470, and Marsilio Ficino completed his "Platonic Theory" in 1471. Be careful- the civilizations below are not in chronological order. In 1525, Dürer published his "Course in the Art of Measurement." Religious wars continued: the Battle of Lepanto, part of the Ottoman-Habsburg Wars, was fought in 1571, and the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of Protestants took place in France in 1572. Industrial Medicine Wordsearch/Sort A wordsearch of key words associated with medicine during the … In 1503, Julius II was appointed pope, bringing in the start of the Roman Golden Age. This custom saw major rebuilding when Pope Nicholas V was appointed in 1447. Egypt- 2500 BCE to 1200 BCE . each civilization. The Flemish cartographer Gerardus Mercator published his "World Map" in 1569. Henry VIII came to power in England in 1509 and Francis I succeeded to the French Throne in 1515. In 1491, Girolamo Savonarola became the prior of the de Medici's Dominican House of San Marco in Florence and began preaching reform and becoming the de facto leader of Florence beginning in 1494. Mesopotamia- 3000 BCE to 439 BCE . Established religious communities experienced both philosophical and bloody battles, leading among other things to the Reformation and the end of Catholic rule in England. Artistic works of this period include Botticelli's "Primavera" (1480), Michelangelo Buonarroti's relief "Battles of the Centaurs" (1492) and painting "La Pieta" (1500), and Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" (1498). That same year, the Hundred Years War ended, bringing stability to northwestern Europe. In 1544, the Italian monk Matteo Bandello published a collection of tales known as "Novelle.". In philosophy, the year 1517 saw the start of the Reformation, a religious schism which permanently divided Europe spiritually, and was heavily influenced by humanist thinking. Vesalius/Paré connecting exercise Link the statements to the correct man. All rights reserved. Greece- 2600 BCE to 300 BCE . Site created in November 2000. In 1572, Luís Vaz de Camões published his epic poem "The Lusiads," Michel de Montaigne published his "Essays" in 1580, popularizing the literary form. European Renaissance Printable Worksheets, For more of our free educational materials on the Renaissance, click, Renaissance Decipher-the-Code Puzzle Worksheets, Leading Figures of the Renaissance Word Search, Renaissance Causes and Effects DIY Infographic, All materials on this website are © unless otherwise noted. Renaissance- 1500 CE to 1600 CE Isabella Whitney, the first English woman ever to have written non-religious verses, published "The Copy of a Letter" in 1567.

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