siegfried sassoon analysis

"Suicide in the Trenches" is a poem by the British poet Siegfried Sassoon, published in his collection Counter-Attack and Other Poems (1918).As with the other poems in that collection, "Suicide in the Trenches" draws on Sassoon's own experiences as a soldier in the British Army during World War I. Sassoon has used a number of poetic techniques to achieve this reaction.
You can get your custom paper from Siegfried Sassoon was one of the great war poets of World War I, as well as a military hero and an admired writer of prose. The brother officer portrays Jack as being a coward in his last days on the battlefields and this contradicts what he told the mother.

In the line, "Jack fell as he'd have wished," reveals a delusion on not only the mother's side but also on society's.

He says “No doubt they’ll soon get well” .

Sassoon titles his poem "The Hero," so the reader assumes the poem will praise a soldier's courage, however, the title deceives the reader as it is about a mother praises her son, fed by the lies of the military and government. The first is to get across the horrors being inflicted on humans. In line 1-6 the Bishop, is telling the boys that when the soldiers return from the war, they will not be the same again, and he states the reasons why. In the second stanza the brother officer is introduced and he has lied to the mother about how her son had died. Their sleep is filled with nightmares of the ghosts of friends who died in battle and the horrific scenes in the battlefield. Parsons some fifty years after World War I.

(2018, Jan 31).

The poem explanation could sound confusing for those people who are not connected with the war in any way. The Siegfried Sassoon: Poems Community Note includes chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, character list, theme list, historical context, author biography and … Within the first line of this poem, the arrival of Sassoon’s sarcasm towards civilian ideas is evident.

Violent lines such as “Death’s Grey Land”, “Fatal, Flaming Climax” paint a picture of the vile conditions of the Somme while more dreamy lines like “Firelit homes, clean beds and wives” offer juxtaposition of the lives that men should be living and the ones that they are.

Again he demolishes this thought by explaining that the men were practically lame “learning to walk”.

The Bishops only response to this is to say that “the ways of God is strange” as can be seen in line 12. Or wounded in a mentionable place. It’s purpose to me is to remind the reader that the soldiers were individuals and not a faceless part of a nation at war. Trampling the terrible corpses--blind with blood. your own paper. We witness how important dreaming is to get the soldiers through warfare “soldiers are dreamers, when the guns begin”. He sardonically jeers this so called pride by opening their eyes to the unreasonable beliefs they hold in war. Survivors’ juxtaposes hope and the harsh brutality of battle in an exploration of the brokenness of the soldiers and the unfeigned optimism of those who didn’t even go to war. We are given a firsthand look at the terrible conditions that men endured and their dreams of returning to a normal life. The boys are of the opinion that yes they will not be the same again, but not for the reason the Bishop has listed. The reasons being, “they lead the last attack On Anti-Christ” (line 3), the word last is used to indicate that they were the survivors of the war and were the ones to be part of the last attack on the enemy. Again the disassociated, unfeeling voice make its presence felt.

The boys’ response to this can be seen in line 7-11. _EXCEPT THAT LONELY WOMAN WITH WHITE HAIR._ Of course they’re ‘longing to go out again,’— When they are haunted by these how can they ever ‘soon’ forget anything? My first response to Dreamers is unsettlement at the harsh realities of the war, the effects of the poem prove harrowing with the violent and depressing imagery used to describe the conditions of trench warfare. The poet’s stance on the matter is seemingly neutral but there is a subliminal message of cynicism and confrontation with a society that sent its men to a war they could never be prepared for. He was trying to give an indirect criticism of the people’s contented attitude to the warfare. In “Survivors” Sassoon confronts the readers with the harsh reality of war. The poem makes use of rhyming throughout; Land/Stand, Tomorrows/Sorrows, Win/Begin and Lives/Wives. His father, Alfred Ezra Sassoon, was part of a wealthy Jewish merchant family, originally from Iran and India, and his mother part of the artistic Thorneycroft family. This again references the idea that volunteering for the war is something to aim towards and is a noble thing to do. Before war, Sassoon published small volumes of poetry but due to his horrifying experiences of war like the death of his brother Hamo who was killed in November 1915 at Gallipoli, and Sassoon being wounded twice as well as the rest of his experiences of war, lead him to publishing poems of the realities of war. The nature of a Petrarchan Sonnet is often to demonstrate a problem, express desires and reflect on reality. Even when they are in safe and return to their families, they couldn’t be calm and happy. He suffered the loss of his brother in the Gallipoli Campaign and the death of close friend David Thomas, it is believed this led to his hatred of what he perceived to be a jingoism fueled war. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. On top of that he also indirectly criticizes the opinion of the people at home by using irony and sarcasm. The poet pictures the effects that the battles left in fighters’ life the results that are not easy to be eliminated. The second goal is one of protest, Sassoon made his hatred of the war no secret and stirred up controversy by accusing governments of letting it continue longer than they had to. Sassoon also displays the propaganda used by the government in order to fool the young men of society. You crown our distant ardours while we fight,

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